The Heritage Flag Dream Program
We’ve been honored at The Heritage Flag Company to construct works of art that have helped raise over a million dollars for nonprofits all over the country since 2014. Helping others give back is at the core of The Heritage Flag Company and we are committed to helping nonprofit organizations grow and thrive in any economic environment. The Heritage Flag Dream Program was created to help keep everyones' dreams alive through handcrafted, one-of-a-kind Heritage Flags!
The Big Idea
We work together to create a custom Heritage Flag donning your organizations’ logo or insignia, you sell it for a limited time through email to your supporters and then we donate a portion of the sales back to your organization with the opportunity to earn more!
How It Works
With no upfront investment required from you, we generate the prototype flag for your organization. You offer this one-of-a-kind flag for a limited time to your network of donors, supporters, families and friends through an email campaign that you create and you send out. It will include private product link to Your Custom Heritage Flags on our website. The product will be purchased and shipped directly from us within 30 days.
At completion of the sales campaign, usually one to three weeks, we will donate 25% of the sales back to your organization. It's that simple.
Earn More...
If your network purchases more than 100 of Your Cask Heritage Flags, we will give you five of Your Cask Heritage Flags for free! If they purchase more than 300, we will give you a matching Small Batch Heritage Flag for your organization (retail value $349.) If they purchase more than 500, we will give you a matching Half Barrel ($549) and anything over 700, we will give you a matching Full Barrel Heritage Flag ($649) with your donation check!
Let's Start Dreaming Together...
We have selected to share The Heritage Flag Company's Dream Program with you because we have done our research on all of the great things your organization does for your community and we want to help! If you aren’t familiar with our story, please learn more about us below. If you’re ready to see how many more dreams we can bring to life together, email us and request a Dream Program Application to get the process started.
- Zero cost to the nonprofit -
- Easy email driven campaign. No social media -
- Each Custom Heritage Flag is handcrafted for your network -
- Gives your network a meaningful, tangible representation of their support -
The Heritage Flag Dream TeamDream Program Examples
The VGA Dream Program
Details -
The Folds Of Honor Dream Program
- Zero cost to the nonprofit -
- Easy email driven campaign. No social media -
- Each Custom Heritage Flag is handcrafted for your network -
- Gives your network a meaningful, tangible representation of their support -
Our Story
The Heritage Flag Company ® created the first ever Barrel Wood American Flag as a gift. A gift that came from a dream to say thank you to 3 veterans starting a brewery in Southern Pines, North Carolina in 2014. Little did anyone know where that dream would go....

I met with the guys from the brewery one day to look at the blueprints and saw a room that aged beer in whiskey and wine barrels. I had never heard of that. From there, I could just see it.
In 2014, custom home builder and cabinet maker Heath Trigg was in the midst of working on a special project—building a unique bar for a local brewery that had just been started by three veterans. An artist and craftsman, Heath knew he wanted to build something beautiful for the brewery, and was inspired by whiskey and wine barrels in which the brew masters aged beer.
Heath ended up building a stunning bar wrapped in whiskey and wine staves from the barrels in which the beer was aged.
But his project wasn't complete.
"My wife and I had been trying to think of something to make the guys at Southern Pines Brewery as a surprise gift for the opening, and I woke up at 3am dreaming about an American Flag. I sketched it out on a shopping list and when I came down to the shop the next morning, we made it."
The community responded enormously well to the flag.
"When people saw the first flag we made and started asking for more, I told them to go online. The problem was they kept coming back and telling me that it didn't exist. No one else had made an American Flag from whiskey barrels. Today, we actually have a US patent on an American Flag made out of whiskey barrels. We have a patent on an American Flag. How crazy is that?"
An unpredictable series of events led to Heath presenting another flag to a Three-Star General that was hung in the main entrance of the Pentagon a month later. During that trip, a private tour of Arlington changed the course of Heath's life.