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Flags that tell a story


​Labor Day: Meet the Craftsman

Posted by The Heritage Flag on

The first Labor Day was celebrated on September 2, 1882 to commemorate the social and economic achievements of American workers. Since then, our mindset has shifted to shiny new appliance sales and the last day a true Southern girl can wear her whites and seersuckers. But this Labor Day, we have an opportunity to spread the word that American workers still actually make things- badass things! From Smith & Wesson revolvers in Massachusetts to Weber grills in Illinois to Eagle Rare Bourbon in Kentucky- and of course let’s not forget those handcrafted Heritage Flags right here in good ole North Carolina.

This weekend, let’s focus our attention on what it means to produce quality American made products and it all starts with the American Worker.  This nation grants us freedoms and opportunities but it takes a lot of sweat, hard work and determination to make something that will stand the test of time. We believe that quality, handmade, one-of-a-kind products are the true backbone of the American worker and we strive to do it better than anyone else in the world.  And of course at the end of the day, those couple sips of good old fashion bourbon while admiring your hard work never hurts!

In celebration of the American worker, we are starting our Meet the Craftsman series interviewing the guys in the shop that handcraft your one-of-a-kind Heritage Flags. It’s only fitting we start with Ben, who recently celebrated his five year anniversary with the company. We could not do what we do without you Ben! Thank you for all of your hard work!

Meet the Craftsman: Ben aka ‘Benny Man’

How long have you worked for The Heritage Flag Company?

Five years and three weeks.

Were you “good with wood” before you started working here?

Yes, I was. I’ve been working with wood pretty much all my life.

What pieces do you work on at the shop?

Dry assembly and all custom projects.

What do you love most about what you do?

Everything! In fact, there is nothin’ I don’t like. I love getting up and coming to work every day!

When it’s your turn to choose the music in the shop, what’s your go-to?

If it’s Friday, I like Señor Coconut.

What was your biggest mistake in the shop?

I did once miss two entire rows of stripes on a Double Barrel flag. We fixed it though.

Which is your favorite Heritage Flag?

I like the Old Glory Full Barrel.

What is your favorite shop tool?

My broom.

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

I like fishing. I’ve been doing a lot of kayaking lately- that’s a lot of fun.

What is your favorite food?

I like BBQ ribs.

Biggest pet peeve?

Zev’s (another Heritage Flag Craftsman) music.

Favorite concert?

By far the Roger Waters concert that we just went to a couple months ago.

Rumor has it, you invented the Cask. Is this true?

That’s true. I was making a license plate for my pick-up truck originally.

What is your favorite hat?

I have a Volkswagen hat that I like.

Is there anywhere you wouldn’t wear a hat?

A funeral.

Would you wear one to a wedding?

I would.

What is your favorite beer?

Bud Light.

How many radio contests have you won?

At least 30.

Swing by The Heritage Flag retail store at 230 S. Bennett Street in Southern Pines, North Carolina to see some of Ben’s handiwork. If you’re lucky, Señor Coconut will be playing. 

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